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Pet-Friendly Indoor Plants

Pet-Friendly Indoor Plants

Cooler temperatures may have you missing greenery. If everything outside has prepared for winter, you can always bring your own green indoors! While there may be a list of plants you’ve been dying to get, you may want to scan your shopping list first if you have pets....
Buying a Townhome? Ask These Questions!

Buying a Townhome? Ask These Questions!

If you want to buy a house but worry about keeping up with a big yard, you may have thought about buying a townhome. Townhomes, like condos and co-ops, are CIDs, or common interest developments. In a CID, neighbors share more than just a street name – their properties...
Upgrade Your Zoom Chat Skills

Upgrade Your Zoom Chat Skills

Zoom, or other video, meetings seem to be the way of the future. Though many businesses may return to normal office hours, the requirement to work from home has showed us that there are some jobs that can be done from home with the use of certain technology. Now more...